
Hello everyone, I am Ayush Singh, a University Student from India. This website is mainly a blog where I write about projects I am working on or things I find interesting.

I mostly do System Programming and am experienced with C, Rust, and Python. I have experience in UEFI, ZerphyrRTOS, and Linux driver development.

I have worked on implementing Rust std support for UEFI (now in nightly) and am working on expanding its capabilities. I am also involved in improving Beagleconnect Technology by simplifying its architecture for BeaglePlay + Beagleconnect Freedom.

I am open for Internships/Part-time as a Software Developer. Feel free to check-out my work on this website.


  • Linux
  • Open-Source
  • Rust
  • Novels
  • Anime


Indian Institute of Technology (ISM), Dhanbad, India
Integrated Master of Technology in Mathematics and Computing
2020 - 2025

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